From April 2018 there will be no smoking in our buildings, car parks, gardens or anywhere on our sites. We are doing this to protect the health of everyone who works in our organisation and uses our services, and encourage and support everyone who wants to give up smoking.
Why is Livewell Southwest going smokefree?
Livewell Southwest wants to reduce harm to patients, staff and everyone else who visits our sites. We want to create healthy environments that promote wellness.
Our decision to go smokefree is in line with The Health Act (2006) and The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE 2013) guidelines which state that all hospital sites, including mental health hospitals, should be 100% smokefree.
Patients and carers can speak to any clinical member of staff for support.
What does Livewell Southwest going smokefree mean?
Patients, carers, staff and all other visitors are not allowed to smoke on any Livewell Southwest sites including all wards, buildings, grounds and vehicles. There are no designated areas where the use of cigarettes is allowed.
If you smoke, we will support you to make a quit attempt or to temporarily abstain whilst in hospital, or visiting or working at our sites.
How is Livewell Southwest supporting patients who smoke?
We routinely ask everyone using our services if they smoke or not, so that we can offer support to those who may need it.
We have specially trained clinicians/nurses who can assess nicotine dependency, offer a range of nicotine replacement therapies and provide behaviour change support to anyone wishing to stop smoking permanently or to abstain temporarily. The use of an electronic cigarette will also be offered as an alternative to smoking.
Can patients use e-cigarettes on Livewell Southwest sites?
E-cigarettes can be purchased on all Livewell Southwest sites or can be brought in by visitors. The use of disposable e-cigarettes will be permitted in designated and discrete areas such as hospital grounds and single bedrooms. They should not be used in communal indoor areas, ward gardens or any other places where patients or staff congregate.
How should e-cigarettes be stored and disposed of?
People who use e-cigarettes must store their device safely and securely. E-cigarette products should not be shared with others for infection control reasons and people should not use them near oxygen/naked flames.
E-cigarettes must be disposed of in a designated bin so that the battery and plastic can be recycled, in line with EU regulations.
Are e-cigarettes safe to use?
Experts suggest that e-cigarettes are much less harmful than tobacco cigarettes.
Is being smokefree an infringement of human rights?
No. Livewell Southwest is a smokefree health and social care organisation that protects an individual’s right to life, by not being exposed to the harmful effects of smoking tobacco. This argument has been legally tested and was upheld by the Court of Appeal in 2008 after Rampton Hospital in Nottinghamshire went smokefree.
How can I get further advice and support?
If you would like advice and support to quit smoking please contact the Wellbeing Team on 01752 437177. You can also email via [email protected] or visit