These young people, all members of the Young Safeguarders, the young people’s sub group of the Plymouth Safeguarding Children Board, designed their own poster and helped us here at Livewell Southwest to bring it to life by recording their wishes for the soundtrack for a video.
We’re committed to making those Ten Wishes come true. We’ve made sure that everyone at Livewell Southwest knows what these wishes are, and how we can deliver them in all our work with young people and families and vulnerable groups.
Our wish now is to share the Ten Wishes across all the organisations we work with. That way, young people will be included and involved, treated with respect and listened to at every contact, just as they should be.
This is what we’ve done so far to make the wishes come true:
- We’ve assessed ourselves against the criteria set out by the Young Safeguarders as part of Ten Wishes, and review that regularly.
- We’ve made everyone at Livewell aware of our commitment to fulfil the Ten Wishes through banners, screensavers and newsletters, and it’s included in staff induction programmes
- Our progress on fulfilling the Ten Wishes is discussed at every meeting of the children’s service strategic operational group
- CAMHS is using Ten Wishes in designing its new model
- Speech and Language therapy service is focussing on one wish a month to highlight the importance of each and every one
- Health visitors include the Ten Wishes in the induction for colleagues as well as the pre-registration student induction packs each term
- School nursing has added Ten Wishes to its communication competency requirement for all its staff
- The Family Nurse Partnership is exploring their use in supervision sessions to ensure they become an integral part of other professionals’ practice when working with young people
- Dental includes the Ten Wishes pledge as a regular discussion at its clinical governance meeting and is now asking children over 12 to sign consent forms to increase their involvement and ownership of treatment
- As a new team, the Looked After Children team has already completed the Ten Wishes self-assessment
Find out more about Plymouth Safeguarding Children Board here.