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Falls Team

The Livewell Southwest falls team provides tailored support to people who may be at risk of falls, finding ways to help them to stay confident and independent.

Aimed at those who may need physiotherapy, our falls teams accepts referrals from the Falls Clinic, GP and other health professionals. The team is made up of physiotherapists, therapy support workers and administrative assistant. Working with each patient, the team prescribes personalised care plans which could include attending our specialist balance and safety group or undergoing a home assessment to reduce the risk of a fall at home. Your specialist falls home assessment will include a review of posture, flexibility, strength walking and balance.

Falls prevention videos

If you have been seen by the falls therapy team, please click on the thumbnails below to watch informative video clips as part of your treatment program.

Coping with a fall

20 minute video clip showing how to get up off the floor and how to manage the after effects of a fall: 


Home safety & vision

3 minute video clip containing general advice on home safety and reducing falls risk: 


3 minute video clips from the College of Optometry showing eye conditions often associated with ageing… 

Age-related macular degeneration:






Healthy bones

6 minute clip from the Royal Osteoporosis Society with animation highlighting the importance of bone health. 

Postural hypotension (orthostatic hypotension) and medication

11 minute clip on medication and falls from our Falls Team. 


3 minute clip on orthostatic hypotension, also known as postural hypotension or postural drop. This short animation by the National Institute for Health Research is very informative on a common complaint as we get older. 


Relaxation and sleep

11 minute clip on relaxation from our Falls Team. 


3 minute clip on visual imagery from our Falls Team. 


Mini meditation clip from Headspace is a short example of taking a few relaxing breaths to aid relaxation. 



13 minute clip on looking after your feet from NHS Scotland and is full of practical tips and information. 



4 minute clip from our health and care video library on looking after your bladder. 


3.5 minute clip from our health and care video library on looking after your bowels. 


Exercise, fitness and goals

3 minute clip from Age UK showing an individual benefitting from higher level balance exercises. 


1 minute clip from Age UK showing an individual benefitting from lower level balance exercises. 


Mobility, stairs and posture

4.5 minute clip on the benefits of good posture, good advice for people of all ages but particularly important in reducing our falls risk. Please be aware there is an advert which plays prior to the start of this TED ED talk. 



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Contact us

For general enquiries, or to be directed to a specific service or individual, please contact our switchboard on 01752 435502.