Plymouth CAMHS Acute Pathway (P-CAP) is the umbrella term for the 6 functions that the pathway provides to Children & Young People (CYP) which is as follows:
First Response
The First Response Service (FRS) is a 24/7 crisis line providing advice, support and signposting for people experiencing mental health difficulties. Please contact NHS 111 and select the mental health option.
The CAMHS Home Treatment Team will provide intensive support to CYP experiencing acute mental health distress and associated risk. The team will offer assessment, formulation & therapy, or input alongside other CAMHS therapeutic intervention where applicable. The intervention should be between 3-6 months in length. The HTT will act as step-up / step-down for CYP accessing Tier 4 General Adolescent Unit (GAU) support. The HTT team only accepts referrals from within the wider CAMHS service including Tier 4 GAU.
CAMHS P-CAP – Liaison
The clinicians are based at Derriford Hospital. The Liaison pathway offers assessment to CYP presenting at the emergency department or admitted to a ward who are presenting with intentional self-harm, suicidal ideation and/or an acute mental health presentation. The Liaison team only accepts internal electronic referrals from clinical staff based within Derriford hospital.
CAMHS P-CAP – Crisis
The CAMHS Crisis Pathway is a community-based pathway designed to support CYP experiencing a mental health crisis within 5 working days. The CAMHS Crisis Pathway will also provide community follow up for CYP seen by CAMHS P-CAP Liaison pathway. The Crisis team only accept referrals from FRS, Devon Referral Support Services (professionals only) and from within the wider CAMHS Service.
The CAMHS ITASC (Integrative Therapeutic Assessment & Support Clinic) Pathway will provide support to CYP who are experiencing mental health crisis, are hard to reach/engage, experience of multiple adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) / Trauma Experience, require multi-disciplinary / multi-agency assessment & formulation and are not ‘therapy ready’. We aim to work with CYP and their families for up to 6 months. The objectives are to offer a holistic understanding of a young person’s crisis presentation and work with them, family, and the system around them to offer stability towards accessing therapy, referral and or signposting. The ITASC team only accept referrals from within the wider CAMHS service.
Early Intervention Psychosis
The CAMHS EIP team works to provide early assessment, intervention, and monitoring for young people with psychosis, or who are deemed to be at increased risk of experiencing psychosis, or/ and have an at-risk mental state, seen within 2 weeks from referral. The EIP team only accept referrals from Devon Referral Support Services (professionals only) and from within the wider CAMHS service.
For non-urgent enquiries please contact P-CAP on 01752 435125, option 4, between the hours of Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00.
If you are in mental health crisis and would like telephone support, signposting, and advice, please contact the 24/7 First Response Service on by calling NHS 111 and selecting the mental health option.
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