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Safeguarding children and adults is everybody’s responsibility. Livewell Southwest works in partnership with other agencies to collaborate in making sure that the people who use our services are protected and safe.

Safeguarding adults

All staff within health services have a responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of patients and colleagues. Living a life that is free from harm and abuse is a fundamental human right of every person and an essential requirement for health and wellbeing.

Why do we need to safeguard adults?

  • Everyone has the right to live their life free from violence, fear and abuse
  • All adults have the right to be protected from harm and exploitation
  • Not everyone can protect themselves
  • All adults have the right to independence, which may involve risk.

Safeguarding adults is about the recognition of and alerting about significant harm. Significant harm can be …

  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Emotional or physical harm
  • Neglect
  • Financial abuse
  • Discrimination
  • Institutional abuse

Mental Capacity Act 2005
You must always assume a person has capacity unless it is proved otherwise. In order to protect those who lack capacity and to enable them to take part as much as possible in the decisions that affect them, a series of principles and guidance has been developed .  This can be found at Adult Protection/Safeguarding Adults Multi-Agency Policy and Procedures


Report adult abuse or neglect

The Plymouth Adult Safeguarding Board brings agencies together to ensure that vulnerable adults at risk are protected and safe. If you see or hear about something that could be abuse or if someone tells you that something has happened to them which could be abuse or neglect contact Plymouth City Council on 01752 668000 (choose option 2) or visit:

When you make an alert be prepared to describe:

  • Who it is about
  • What is the concern
  • Any immediate risks

Safeguarding Adults; Everybody’s business leaflet: Learn more
Plymouth Multi-Agency Adult Safeguarding Policy and Procedures: Learn more


Advice line for professionals

Tel: 01752 304401, Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm (excluding Bank Holidays).

The adult safeguarding advice line will direct you to an answerphone which will be accessed by the Plymouth City Council Safeguarding Adults Team. Messages will be monitored twice each day at 10.30am and again at 3.30pm, and will be responded to either the same day or the next working day.

The advice line should not be used in an emergency or if there is an immediate safeguarding concern relating to an adult at risk. In these situations, your organisation’s safeguarding policies and procedures should be followed. The advice line is not a referral route; all adult safeguarding referrals must be made here:
or by phone on 01752 668000.

If you are a member of staff and would like to seek advice about an adult safeguarding concern, you should first call the Livewell Southwest Safeguarding Lead for your locality. Staff in the Learning Disability Service can call the Service Manager: 

North: 07833435813
East: 01752 435353
South: 01752 434739
West: 01752 434859
Citywide: 01752 434742
Community Urgent Care: 01752 434741
Children, Young People & Families: 01752 434967
Learning Disability: 01752 434058
West Devon: 01752 435092

You can also seek advice from your line manager or contact the Adult Safeguarding Office on 01752 434742.

Safeguarding children and young people

Safeguarding children and protecting them from harm is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play.

How is safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children defined?

  • Protecting children from maltreatment
  • Preventing impairment of children’s health or development
  • Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes

The Livewell Southwest Safeguarding Children Team provides specialist advice, training and support for all staff in relation to Child Protection and is committed to improving health outcomes for Children in Care (Looked After Children).

The team also works with partner agencies such as the Police and Children’s Social Care, as well as Plymouth Safeguarding Children Partnership.


Reporting concerns

Call 999 if a child is in real danger now.

If you’re worried about a child or young person or think they’re being abused, even if you are unsure, call 01752 668000 or email: [email protected]

If you are a professional with an urgent child protection concern, please make an immediate referral to the Multi-Agency Hub on 01752 668000 or email: [email protected]

The Interagency Referral Form can also be used to share information with your local office. More information on how to make a referral can be found here.

If you are unsure the Plymouth Safeguarding Children Board Procedures Manual will be able to help guide you or the Thresholds Protocol which tells you which types of services a family may need to get support.

Alternatively you can call ChildLine for advice on 0800 1111. Learn more

What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused: Advice for practitioners

Tackling modern slavery

As part of the overall commitment of Livewell Southwest in keeping people safe well and at home and consistent with local multi agency safeguarding policies and procedures and Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act, Livewell Southwest has taken action to protect vulnerable people or those at risk of abuse.

As such risks of human trafficking and modern slavery are included with in the corporate safeguarding training, multi-agency policy and procedures and Livewell Southwest is able to respond to requests from other agencies where this risk has been identified. In the last year this has included supporting the Police, Border Control and the Local Authority where human trafficking and modern slavery has been detected.

In relation to our supply chain a formal request has been made to NHS supplies to confirm the action it takes to ensure human trafficking and modern slavery is not taking place within its supply chain.  A review of other suppliers is also to be implemented.

In relation to recruitment of staff, action is also in place to provide assurance that all staff employed on a permanent or temporary basis are subject to checks to ensure that they are not the subject of modern slavery or human trafficking.

Geoff Baines, director of safety and quality 