Health for Teens introduces a new and different way for young people aged 11-19 to learn about their health.
Health for Teens features bite-sized information on a comprehensive range of physical and emotional health topics for young people, including healthy eating, body image, managing stress, advice on relationships, puberty, sexuality and much more. Movie clips and quizzes make the site engaging and interactive, and young people are able to share content easily with their peers via social media.
The website is primarily a health promotion website, covering subjects that promote a healthy body and mind. Links are provided to further information if needed. Users can also find out about accessing support from local services. Health for Teens is not about managing serious illnesses, for which more specialist websites already exist, but we’ve signposted to them where they are applicable.
All content has been produced by school nurses, a whole range of other health and wellbeing experts, and most importantly young people. School nurses are always supporting young people to stay happy and healthy.
Families, children and young people have been actively involved in developing all aspects of the website. Involving you in campaigns, further development and content helps make sure it reflects what is important to you.
The content published on this website is evidence based health information in line with NHS standards, including NICE Guidelines.