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CAMHS Neurodiversity: Local Information and Support

Plymouth Information, Advice and Support for SEND (PIAS)

Provides information on local activities and advice and support relating to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) for parents, carers, children and young people within the Plymouth Local Authority area.  

Click here to visit.

Friends and Families of Special Children

A Plymouth based charity covering the city of Plymouth and the surrounding area.  They support families who have children that experience all forms of disabilities, additional needs and difficulties.  Sessions available are:  Family Activities, Disabled Child Activities, Fun and Freedom Club, Support for Parents, Family Disability Information and Advice, and Lending Library.

Click here to visit.

Parenting Courses

A range of parenting courses are available that have been shown to work in Plymouth for a range of families.

Click here to visit.

Give a Child a Chance

A local charity helping young people with behavioural, emotional and mental health issues who are accessing, or have accessed services or support from the Plymouth Child & Adolescent Mental health Services (CAMHS) in particular, but not exclusively, by the provision of facilities, items services and support.

Click here to visit.


A local charity that supports children, young people, families and individuals to overcome disadvantage offering activities, advice and training.

Click here to visit.

Budd Club

A completely free family-friendly activity club set up to help the whole family, where a child is affected by mental health or neurodevelopmental difficulties. Families can spend time doing art, games, sporting and outdoor activities. in a low-key, non-judgmental way. For more information visit their Facebook page or email [email protected].

The Plymouth and District Branch

Run by a group of volunteers who work together to provide autism support, information and signposting, the Plymouth and District Branch have three different peer support groups: Autism Plymouth Parents Support Group, the Plymouth Autistic Adults Group and the West Devon Autistic Women’s Group. You are welcome to join one or all of the groups.

Click here to visit.

South West Autism

South West Autism is based in Devon, UK. They work with young people providing opportunities to help them develop to their potential. Learn more about us, keep up to date with us and see the fantastic events we organise for existing and new clients.

Click here to visit.

The Plymouth Parent Carer Voice

Brings together parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Plymouth and the surrounding area to give them the voice in the services that they use.

Click here to visit.

Creative Curiosities

Working with with neuro divergent children and young people and / or those with a SEND diagnosis, Creative Curiosities currently offer group weekly adventurous activities, social and creative arts sessions and individual / group therapeutic and bespoke sessions.These include home tutoring, intervention and therapeutic services such as Drawing and Talking and Bricks for Autism and school and home education pop up sessions. All sessions can be personally planned and adapted to your needs.

Click here to visit.

Quiet Time at Plymouth Aquarium

A few times a year Plymouth Aquarium opens their doors for a special two hour event after hours that allows families and people with autism, dementia and other sensory needs to enjoy our exhibits without the noise and distraction of our daily shows.

Visitors will be able to explore all of the exhibits without the normal daytime crowds, a more relaxed lighting, screens turned off and no daily shows, so the focus is truly on the amazing animals and the environment around you. The event is for people with autism, dementia and other sensory needs.

Click here to visit.

Autism Friendly Cinema Screenings

Vue has been hosting autism friendly cinema screenings since 2013 and now their sensory-friendly films are at over 90 cinemas at least once a month.

Click here to visit.