CAMHS Early Help Request for Help Complete this form to request help from CAMHS Early Help Pathway. If you are contacting CAMHS because you or a young person you know is in crisis, please call First Response on NHS 111 (select the mental health option) for 24/7 support.Name of child/young person(Required)Date of birth(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Address Street Address Address Line 2 City Post Code AgeNHS number (if known)Telephone number – home (please say who it belongs to – parent/young person)Telephone number – mobile (please say who it belongs to – parent/young person)Email Who is filling this form in?Today's date DD slash MM slash YYYY What school/college do you go to?Who should we speak to in school/college?GP surgeryEthnicityParent/carer nameParent/carer address Street Address Address Line 2 City Post Code Who has parental responsibility?Telephone numberWho is currently involved with you/in your young person's care? School PSA School Nursing Service Child Development Centre Kooth Young Devon Social Care The Zone MAST Communication Interaction Team SHARP Other If you answered other to the above, please specifyWhy would you like help from CAMHS? Please give the reasons for your request, and provide as much detail as possible.What outcomes/goals would you like to achieve if you were helped by CAMHS? Please provide as much detail as possible.Is there any other important information you would like to share to help us understand you/your young person? Please provide as much detail as possible.Have you/your young person previously been involved with CAMHS? Please provide as much detail as possible.If we need to know more about you/your young person how would you like us to contact you? Telephone Email Post Are there any current/past child protection or risk issues such as: Self harm Suicidal ideation Domestic abuse Housing Known historical abuse Risk of exclusion from education Bullying Parental mental health English as additional language Risk of sexual exploitation Risk of radicalisation Other If you answered other to the above, please specifyIf you ticked any of the child protection or risk issues above, please provide further details in regards to concerns raisedConsent to share informationConsent: This means you are agreeing to share personal information. We would like your consent to contact any agencies that are currently involved or who we consider may be of help. We may also want to contact other agencies that know you, such as your school or GP, to help us provide a better service to you. We will ensure that your personal information is kept confidential, unless there are specific concerns that require us to share your details, e.g. child protection concerns. You will be told of this.Please tick if you are agreeing to use the CAMHS text reminder service. This will remind you of day and time of your appointment. Yes No If yes please provide the mobile telephone numberI agree information being shared between agencies to help me/my child:Name of child/young person(Required)Completion of this field will act as the signature of the young personName of principal parent/main carer(Required)Completion of this field will act as the signature of the principal parent/main carerDate DD slash MM slash YYYY Untitled