We know that being in employment can positively impact your recovery and wellbeing
We support people receiving care from all mental health teams, who are motivated to find paid employment, or whose current job is at risk.
IPS pathway
You will be allocated an employment specialist who will work with you to reach your employment goals. The specialist will build a picture of your employment needs and goals, before working with you to agree a plan moving forward.
They will support you by following the 8 principles of IPS:
- Competitive employment is the goal. This is either a part-time or full-time paid position (at least minimum wage)
- No one is excluded from the support if they are receiving care from one of our community mental health teams (diagnosis is no barrier)
- Individual preferences are our focus (we job search around what you want to do)
- We job search rapidly (within four weeks of working with you)
- We are part of your mental health team and work closely with others involved in your care
- We support you to get advice around benefits and how these will change once in employment
- We can approach employers on your behalf to build a relationship based on your preferences (and with your permission)
- We support you after you have obtained a job, until you feel comfortable, and we can also support your employer (with your permission)

What does support look like practically?
Your employment specialist can assist you with:
- Creating and tailoring a CV
- Job searching
- Job applications
- Interview preparation and practice
- Sharing information about your mental health with the employer (if you wish to do this)
- Supporting employer discussions (if you want us to)
- Staying well in work
- Obtaining benefit advice
- Supporting if their job is at risk
Our retention support can help you to return to work or remain in your job.
Contact us
Get in touch by emailing [email protected]
Linked In: Visit our profile
What our IPS clients have said about us
This service was exceptional.
The support was fantastic, and the advice received was great.
I would highly recommend anyone to use this service.
(My advisor) and I have been meeting at Devonport Park since the beginning of 2024. In this time, we have carried out many tasks, filling in paperwork, producing up to date cv and covering letters, job searching which resulted in myself finding work at Total Support Services as a cleaning operative.
(My advisor) in all this time has been a rock by providing support which gave me the confidence I needed to go and get the job I wanted. She gave me support in person and by phone in office hours. She is very knowledgeable in her field at work, and she has been very caring and kind to me through such a stressful time. I couldn’t do it without her.
What employers have said about us
Just wanted to say, I think what you and the IPS team are doing is amazing work which can make a real difference to the community so from me thank you and keep up the great work.
We worked with IPS to recruit (client), and they recommend him to us saying he would be a perfect fit for our store. They weren’t wrong, he has been an all-round game player and his ability to be able to adapt from working on the shop floor and giving amazing service to tackling a 20-box delivery when required is a game changer.
I’m constantly getting feedback from customers saying he’s a credit to Foot Locker EMEA and his service is great. He always brings his A game on every shift and it’s great to have him as part of our team. He fits the culture of the team perfectly and it feels like he’s been working here years and not months. He’s honestly a pleasure to have in the team.
I also want to give my thanks and gratitude to IPS for the recommendation and I love what you stand for and the work you do. Below is a little bit of info about what they do.
What our colleagues say about us
I have also been told by patients/service users that IPS is helping them and that is across both teams as based at Cumberland Centre Community Mental Health Service (CMHS) and Avon House CMHS.
I’ve noted the time you all spend in understanding each individual’s needs within your role in IPS and its refreshing to see a service that can help in this way.
I would like to give (IPS staff member) a special mention for all the amazing work you have done with our clients. You have taken to the team and fitted straight in. The work you did with our clients to find specific roles suitable for them and liaising with their employers is brilliant and I know the clients have found this really invaluable so thank you for all you do.
You are an asset to our clients who often find it hard to build relationships and to make progress in the world of employment so thank you, and thank you (team leader) for the opportunity of integrating your team within ours, we are all really happy about how this is working out and hope for continued working relationships.