Musculoskeletal Problems
Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions affect many people and can affect your joints, bones, ligaments, tendons, fascia and muscles. They can range from minor injuries to long-term conditions. Musculoskeletal (MSK) Podiatry can help you with many conditions but consider these questions BEFORE you complete a self-referral.
These questions will help you get the correct support and care you need
If you answer YES to any of these questions, please read the information on the link below.
If you answer NO to these questions, please move on the next step using the link below.
A) Have you been told you have a musculoskeletal (MSK) condition or think you might have one which is affecting your foot or lower leg?
B) Are you referring a young child for this sort of problem or a problem with their walking?
C) Have you been told or think you might have one of the following musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions?
- Plantar Fasciitis – usually pain under the heel which may extend into the arch of the foot
- Bunions or Hallux Abducto-valgus
- Achilles Tendon pain – usually pain on the back of the ankle or heel
- Metatarsalgia – general pain in the front half of the foot (excluding the toes)
- Morton’s neuroma – pain in the front half of the foot usually including the toes