The Plym Neuro-Rehab Unit provides intensive inpatient specialist rehabilitation for adults with acquired brain injuries, spinal cord injuries and other neurological conditions.
Our mission is to offer quality, consultant led rehabilitation services to our patients enabling them to lead their lives as independently as possible.
As a Level 2a Specialist Neuro Rehabilitation Service, the Plym Neuro-Rehab Unit receives referrals for patients from Devon and Cornwall with complex specialist neurological rehabilitation needs.
Our team are on hand to answer any questions you might have regarding your stay.
For any queries please contact the unit on: 01752 434899.
The rehabilitation nurse on Plym Neuro Rehab unit plays a pivotal role in providing specialised care to patients 24 hours a day seven days a week within the unit. They assess patients’ physical, cognitive, and emotional needs, develop individualised care plans to optimise recovery and functional independence.
In order to achieve this, we collaborate with a multidisciplinary team to enhance care and educate patients and families on self-care strategies. With a focus on patient-centred care rehabilitation nurses advocate for patients, promote holistic well-being, and support individuals through their journey of rehabilitation and recovery.
Occupational Therapists
Occupational therapists work with patients whose independence and quality of life have been affected because of their condition. At Plym, you will be assessed by one of the occupational therapists to identify cognitive, perceptual or physical difficulties that may be impacting on your independence. We will work with you and your family to support you to achieve functional goals by setting out a treatment programme that may include upper limb rehabilitation, cognitive rehabilitation or practice of functional tasks such as washing and dressing or meal preparation. Towards the end of your admission, as you progress towards discharge, the occupational therapist may carry out an assessment of your home environment to support your discharge.
Speech and Language Therapists
Speech and Language therapists on Plym have a varied role.
The team work with patients who have communication difficulties, dysphagia (problems with eating and drinking), facial palsy and those with a tracheostomy following neurological injury. The SLT team assess and treat patients with Disorders of Consciousness.
Patients on Plym have access to specialist instrumental assessment of their swallowing using Fibreoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallow (FEES). For those with tracheostomy who are unable to safely eat and drink, this assessment can be used to guide the process of ‘weaning’ from tracheostomy.
The Clinical Neuropsychology team specialise in the assessment and treatment of cognitive, emotional, and behavioural changes that may be associated with acquired brain injury and other neurological conditions. This includes:
- Neuropsychological assessment of cognition, including learning, memory, attention, language and visual perception.
- Psychoeducation
- Psychological assessment of mood and behaviour
- Behaviour Management
- Short term psychological therapy (CBT/CFT/Mindfulness/ACT)
- Adjustment Work
- Family Work
The physiotherapy team on Plym Neuro Rehab Unit are a team dedicated to improving movement and function of patients who have suffered physical impairments caused by neurological conditions. Neuro conditions affect the messages from the brain and spinal cord to the nerves of the body. Symptoms can range from loss of movement and sensation to reduced co-ordination, reduced balance and changes to muscle tone. A thorough assessment of how a neurological condition has affected a person is completed on admission to the unit. The physiotherapy team helps to rehabilitate physical changes through exercise, activity and facilitation of movement. They work with each individual, their loved ones and the multidisciplinary team to tailor each treatment session in line with a person’s goals. The physios continue to work closely with the MDT to help support and plan discharge, often completing home visits and completing onward referrals.
Dietitians assess, diagnose and treat dietary and nutritional problems. For example, focussing on nutrition support, treating and preventing malnutrition, diabetes, and gut related health.
Treatment can include using nutritional supplements and tube feeding and can aid wound healing, help with mood, and provide nutrition to help improve physical mobility.
Working closely with all disciplines of the MDT, e.g. swallow and food texture with Speech therapy, physical activity and energy expenditure with Physiotherapists and ensuring all patients receive adequate nutrition to optimise rehab.
Dietitians can help enable people to make appropriate lifestyle and food choices to help prevent disease and maintain or improve quality of life.
Consultant and Specialty Doctor in Rehabilitation Medicine
The consultant and specialist doctor provide integrated, multidisciplinary care aimed at recovery of the whole person by addressing the individual’s physical, emotional and medical needs.
The medical team review inpatients’ progression weekly and offers specialist outpatients clinics (single handed or multi-professional) for impairments of neurological origin.
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For general enquiries, or to be directed to a specific service or individual, please contact our switchboard on 01752 435502.