The Short Term Care Centre at the William and Patricia Venton Centre is a 24 bedded facility providing flexible residential intermediate assessment and intervention from the community team (CCRT) to prevent hospital admission and step-down care for those medically fit for discharge from inpatient beds but requiring a period of rehabilitation and reablement to promote independence before returning home. It is provided in partnership with Plymouth City Council, Plymouth Age UK and the NHS.
Transport to the Short Term Care Centre (STCC) will be discussed with you and / or family members in advance of admission.
Devon Doctors will provide GP support on a temporary basis while you stay at the STCC, rather than your usual GP. On discharge you will return to your usual GP. Support will be provided via a multi-disciplinary approach to any assessment and intervention where required, this includes Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Adult Social Care. A plan will be agreed with you on your admission and will be reviewed throughout your stay, in line with community support available to enable you to return home as soon as safely possible. You will be encouraged to do as much for yourself as you are able and remain independent in meeting your own needs, as you would in your own home.
Patients, family and their carers are expected to make their own transport arrangements for discharge.
Right: Activities at the Short Term Care Centre sometimes include receiving some very special visitors.
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To contact our switchboard team please call 01752 435502.