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All articles within the “Children (0 to 5)” section.
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Strategies to support development of attention
Use their name and gain eye contact with your child before giving them an instruction Get down to the child's level Call their name first, gain...
Typical development of attention skills
As children develop they pass through a number of different stages as their attention and listening skills improve. These are the 6 main stages....
Why do some children have problems with attention?
Some of the possible reasons are listen below. Some children may have more than one of the possible reasons for difficulties. Hearing loss...
Why is attention Important
Good Attention and Listening skills are needed to Develop play skills and help them explore things for longer. Understand words and follow...
Play and Understanding
Play is one of the main ways in which children learn. Because it's fun, children often become very absorbed in what they are doing, In turn, this...
Types of Play
Children need a wide range of play types to develop their understanding and language Physical Play Hide and seek, rough and tumble, going to the...
Understanding Concepts
Concepts help a child to understand about direction, location, position, number, quantity, sequence, attributes, dimension, size and similarities...
Follow Instructions
Understanding instructions are part of everyday life. at home, parents ask their children to do things around the house e.g. "Put the cup on the...
If your child have difficulties with understanding language they might
Have difficulty attending and listening to language Not pay attention within group times at nursery and school Not follow instructions that...
Understanding of Language
This is the ability to gain information and meaning from words and language. Children can usually understand things from a variety of clues such...
Expressive Language
Speech and language skills do not just evolve on their own. They are part of a bigger picture involving social interaction, play, observation,...
Helping your child with speech sounds
Please click here to see the information sheet produced by Afasic for more tips on how you can support your child's...
Types of speech sound difficulties
There may be a number of reasons why speech sound difficulties occur. Click here to see the information sheet and find out...
Top tips to support children with speech sound difficulties
Try to reduce background noise, for example, turn off the television or radio when talking to your child so they get good speech models, Slow...
Typical speech sound development
As children are learning to talk their speech sounds develop gradually over a period of time and it is normal for them to make some errors as...
Praising your Child
No matter how old your children are, your praise and encouragement will help them feel good about themselves. This boosts their self-esteem and...
Creating a Communication Friendly Environment
Click on the advice sheet below to find out how to create an environment at home to encourage development of language in early years. Leaflet...
Click on the video to watch a video from the National Literacy Trust for tips on how to support language development when using technology....
The Speech Journey
Click here to watch the ICAN charity video on how a baby starts to develop language and how you can support this....