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All articles within the “Children (starting school up to 7)” section.
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Supporting development of abstract and higher level language
Please click here to see ways to support development of abstract and higher level language in this age...
Levels of Understanding and Abstract Language
By 5 typically developing children are starting to develop their understanding of more abstract language and beginning to use verbal reasoning...
What can I do to help?
Use short simple sentences; Break down longer sentences into chunks e.g. instead of saying "after you've hung your coat on the peg go and put...
Understanding Language
Children may have difficulty understanding spoken language both at home and in the class. Things to look for; Difficulty following instructions,...
Play and Interaction
Play continues to be crucial to support on-going language and communication development at this age. Role play involves using imagination, where...
Strategies to support development of attention
Use their name and gain eye contact with your child before giving them an instruction Get down to the child's level Call their name first, gain...
Why do some children have problems with attention?
Some of the possible reasons are listed below. Some children may have more than one of the possible reasons for difficulties. Hearing loss / glue...
Why is attention Important?
At this age good attention skills are needed to help children listen, process and remember what is being said by adults and learn within the...
Click on the video to watch a video from the National Literacy Trust for tips on how to support language development when using technology.
Praising your child
No matter how old your children are, your praise and encouragement will help them feel good about themselves. This boosts their self-esteem and...
Starting School
Speech, language and communication skills underpin all key subjects throughout the school curriculum and beyond. Good early language skills play...
Children who have English as a second language should not be regarded as having a speech and language difficulty. However, some of these children...