The Plymouth Huntington’s Service is a community service that supports individuals with a diagnosis of Huntington’s Disease, and their families, to adapt to the changes in their Huntington’s Disease. The service operates Monday – Friday, 9am...
Livewell Southwest offers a service to help people with complex emotional needs or dysregulation who are also likely to receive a diagnosis of personality disorder to manage their condition and relationships. Around one-in-twenty people has a personality disorder, but...
Out of hours mental health care provision for 18-65 year olds follows different pathways, depending on whether or not a person is already known to mental health services. Self-referrals of people not known to mental health services – needing an urgent response....
This specialist team provides mental health support, assessment and care planning advice to all areas of Derriford hospital in respect of older adults who may be experiencing a change in their mental state or who have existing mental health needs which require ongoing...
The Home Treatment Team offers an alternative to hospital admission, to keep people who are acutely mentally unwell out of hospital and living in the community. We gate-keep admissions to the Glenbourne Unit. We provide 24 hour / 7 days access to our service. We...