Please click on the relevant links below to download your leaflet.
Achilles Tendon – Isometric Exercise
Adult’s Lower Limb Stretching Exercises
Bunion (Hallux Abducto-Valgus)
Children & Young People Muscle Stretching Exercises
Calf Muscle & Plantar Fascia Stretching Exercises
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy
Exercise Band Calf Muscle Conditioning
Exercise Band Peroneal Conditioning
Exercise Band Tibialis Anterior Conditioning
Exercise Band Tibialis Posterior Conditioning
Low Dye Strapping Information Sheet
Obtaining your X-ray appointment
Plantar fascia alternative stretch massage
Plantar fascia stretches & strengthening exercises
Plantar fascia load conditioning
Plantar fascia stretch massage
Sitting tibilias posterior conditioning
Standing calf muscle / achilles tendon conditioning
Standing peroneal conditioning
Please click on the relevant links below to download the children’s leaflet.