Delivered by Plymouth Options
How we can help
If you are suffering from depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, excessive worry or low mood, we are here to help.
Anxiety and worry
Long-term health conditions
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Is the way that you’re feeling affecting your daily life? Are you struggling to cope, feeling low, anxious or overwhelmed by your thoughts or feelings? Are you living with a health condition that is making you tired, frustrated and worried? You’re not alone and we can help.
What we do
We are a free confidential, NHS talking therapy service for people (aged 16+) in Plymouth. We provide treatment to clients with a common mental health problems. We aim to help you feel better and give you the tools and techniques to improve your mental and physical wellbeing, specifically for common mental health difficulties such as anxiety and depression.
How to access our service
We encourage you to make a self-referral to our service if you are:
- Experiencing depression anxiety or PTSD.
- 16+ years old.
- Ready to start working on your problems and able to attend regular appointments.
- Registered with a Plymouth GP.
- Not currently receiving support from other mental health services.
You can call us 01752 435419. Lines are open Monday to Friday 0900-1700.
Alternatively, you can talk to your GP or other health and social care professionals who are able to send a referral on your behalf.
If you’re not registered with a Plymouth GP please contact your GP and ask to be referred to your local talking therapy service or use this link to find a service local to you
Plymouth Options is not an acute service so is not suitable for people:
- Who are a high risk to themselves or others, such as current risk of suicide or serious self-harm.
- Using other mental health services, such as the Community Mental Health Team.
- Who have current or severe and enduring mental health needs and as such require specialist services.
If you feel at risk to yourself or others please contact First Response or contact your GP.
What happens when I refer?
We will review your referral and then if appropriate we will contact you by text or by telephone call to book your assessment appointment.
What if I am not suitable for your service?
If we are unable to meet your needs we will do our best to find a service that can help.
Example treatments and resources
Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
What is Silvercloud? Silvercloud is an informative online therapy programme, proven to support wellbeing and help you learn ways to manage low mood and anxiety.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a 1-1 talking therapy which is recommended by NICE guidelines to address a range of presentations including anxiety, depression, OCD…
Our courses are based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and support people to understand their difficulties while teaching them tools and techniques to overcome them.

Guided self help
Where a therapist coaches you as you work through a self help course in your own time, either using a workbook or an online course.