Welcome to the Livewell Podiatry Service web page.
On this page we have provided you with some relevant information to help you look after your feet.
By clicking on the links below it will open a section with information according to your needs, condition or concerns.
We would welcome feedback and recommendations if you find other useful resources. If you would like to contact us, please click here.
Service Opening Hours
- The service is open Monday to Friday and operates between 08:30 and 16:30.
- The service is closed over weekends and bank holidays but does not close for additional days over Easter, Christmas and the New Year.
- Phone lines are open Monday to Friday, 09:00 – 13:00 and 14:00 – 16:00
- The service can be emailed on [email protected] 24/7 but emails will only be reviewed in office hours.
Service Advice and Guidance
Clinical Advice and Guidance
MSK Clinic – Online appointment booking available!
If you have received an invitation letter to book your MSK appointment, please find all the details you need to know:
MSK Patients – Musculoskeletal Conditions Information and Care Advice Leaflets
To view or download a copy of our MSK Podiatry leaflets please click here.
How to download the Airmid app
There’s no need to contact your community services to use Airmid. If you already use SystmOnline you can use the same username and password you already have. New users can follow the NHS login service self-registration process.
Click here for how to provide proxy access to your record/gain proxy access to a record of someone you care for.
TPP video on how to set up Airmid
Health Professionals Referral Form
For self referrals please click here.
We would be grateful if you would complete a survey based on your experience of this service. Click here or use this QR code:
How to directly book your appointment for MSK Clinic
Accessing podiatry providers other than through the NHS
Diabetes and foot care for children and young people
Domiciliary care (home visits)
Nail surgery – advice about toenail avulsions
Nail surgery – caring for your wound
Patient initiated follow up (PIFU) appointments
Patient initiated follow up (PIFU) appointments for patients with diabetes
Or, use the QR code below:

Contact us
For general enquiries, or to be directed to a specific service or individual, please contact our switchboard on 01752 435502.